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Monday, March 9, 2015

3 Ways a Medical Weight Loss Program Can Help You Overcome a Weight Loss Plateau

There is nothing more frustrating than hitting a weight loss plateau. Have you experienced some weight loss success, but recently found that you are having a hard time getting past a certain number on the scale? A medical weight loss program might the answer that you need so that you can overcome your weight loss plateau.

Structured Program
After following a general eating style for awhile, you might accidentally start slipping up with some of your dietary goals.

We offer medical weight loss programs in New Jersey, and we would love to help with your weight loss efforts. Contact us today to learn more about the ways you can benefit by working with a weight loss coach.

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Sunday, March 1, 2015

3 Reasons Why Junk Food is so Addicting

One of the hardest things about starting a new weight loss program is trying to break the junk food addiction. Have you ever quit a diet program early, because you weren’t able to overcome junk food cravings? Here are three reasons why you are addicted to junk food:

High Calorie Content
Instinct tells us to eat as much as possible when food is available, in case a famine happens in the future.

Salt and Sodium
Salt addiction goes hand-in-hand with sugar addiction, because when you consume salt it is more likely that you will want to finish the meal with something sweet. By decreasing your salt consumption, it becomes easier to stay away from sugar.
If you need help overcoming food addictions, then you should talk with a New Jersey medical weight loss specialist. It is easier to overcome the additions when you are following a structured medical weight loss program.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Why Fiber is an Important Factor in Your Weight Loss Program

If you want to achieve rapid and fast weight loss, then you need to be sure that fiber is an important part of your diet. Fiber has a direct impact on your weight loss success, and it also helps to improve your overall health.

Optimal Digestive Functioning
Fiber provides the bulk that is needed to keep your digestive system functioning correctly. When you eat foods with added fiber, the fiber works to move the food through your digestive system at the right speed.

If you are ready to lose weight and change your life, then you should talk with a weight loss coach in New Jersey. Contact us today to learn more about the ways that you can benefit from a medical weight loss program.

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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Getting Through the Holidays without Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Goals

The holiday season is a fun time of year, because it gives you the opportunity to spend time with family and enjoy fun holiday festivities. The problem is that holidays often include plenty of treats, making it hard to stick with your weight loss goals. In fact, some people find that they usually gain weight during the holiday season, and start the year feeling bad about themselves because of the extra pounds that were put on in a few short weeks.

Limit Your Indulging
It is ok to enjoy a few holiday treats, but it is important that you put limits on the amount that you will eat.The only way to achieve weight loss success is with consistency, and if you are giving into the holiday foods then you will sabotage your success. If you need weight loss support in New Jersey, then we invite you to contact us and learn more about Optifast. We can help you to get through the holidays and stick with your weight loss plans at the same time.

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Monday, February 9, 2015

Identifying the Difference Between Hunger and Cravings

It can be difficult to understand the difference between hunger and cravings, and many people sabotage their weight loss efforts by giving into cravings because they think they are hungry. Once you can discern between feelings of hunger and cravings, it becomes easier to lose weight because you will be able to avoid eating when you really aren’t hungry.

Caloric Needs vs. Feeding the Addiction
If your body is lacking in the calories that are needed to function, then you will start to experience hunger pangs. Hunger is the need to provide nourishment for your body,

Follow the structured plan with exactness, and eventually the cravings will pass. An advantage to a weight loss program such as Optifast is the fact that you can talk with a weight loss specialist to get additional support when it is needed. Contact us today to learn more about how you can benefit from the Optifast program!
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Sunday, February 1, 2015

How to Overcome Food Addictions

Food addictions are a real problem, and it is necessary for you to beat those cravings if you want to achieve weight loss success. By getting rid of those cravings and following a medical weight loss program, it becomes much easier to lose weight. Here are a few tips to help you overcome food addictions:

Talk to a Friend
Accountability can be an effective way for you to stick with your weight loss goals. Tell a friend about your goals, and ask them to be your accountability partner when you start to feel the urge to give into your cravings.
Seek Professional Help
Junk food addictions are real, and often the best way to overcome these addictions is by talking with a weight loss professional. If you are in New Jersey and you need help losing weight, then we encourage you to contact us as soon as possible.

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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Why Exercise Alone Isn’t Sufficient for Weight Loss

It can be frustrating to work hard at the gym, only to discover that you aren’t reaching your weight loss goals. Did you know that exercise is important for weight loss, but it isn’t effective if you don’t pair it with a healthy eating plan?

Calories Consumed vs. Calories Burned
After a 30 minute workout, you might feel as though you just burned a lot of calories. But, the truth is that many people burn far fewer calories during exercise than they assume.

Exercise can’t help you to overcome poor eating habits, so you need to make sure that your weight loss foundation is focused on food first.Optifast is an effective way to quickly lose weight, and many people have experienced good results by following the Optifast program. Contact us to learn more about how Optifast can to quickly get rid of that extra weight and feel better about yourself.

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Sunday, January 18, 2015

Cardio or Strength Training for Weight Loss?

If you are trying to lose weight, is it more effective to use cardio or strength training during your exercise time? There are health benefits to both of these forms of exercise, and the best approach is to use a combination of both in order to achieve optimal weight loss results.

Benefits of Cardio
Cardio is beneficial because it increases your heart rate and helps you to burn more calories during your workout session.

Your Eating Habits
Regular exercise is important, but it is not very effective if you don’t pair your exercise routine with a healthy eating plan. A medical weight loss program is a great way to lose weight and keep it off, and exercise is very complimentary to following a good weight loss program.
Talk with a medical weight loss coach to learn more about the ways you can adjust your eating habits, in order to gain the maximum benefits from your exercise routine.

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Monday, January 12, 2015

How to Use Fitness Apps to Boost Your Weight Loss Efforts

If you are looking for an effective way to boost your weight loss efforts, then it is important that you track your results and use tools that are designed to maximize your weight loss. You can experience rapid and fast weight loss by using fitness apps to improve your exercise routine and watch the fat melt away faster.

What are Fitness Apps?
You will find a variety of fitness apps to choose from, and they each offer a unique service, such as:
  • Workout suggestions, helping you to follow a well-rounded fitness routine without the cost of paying for a personal trainer
  • Calorie counting tools, to make sure that you are working out enough to burn more calories than you consume
If you want to lose weight fast and easy, then it is important that you find a medical weight loss provider in New Jersey. You can learn how to combine a healthy eating plan with a fitness app, in order to get rid of excess body fat and reach your weight loss goals. Contact us today to learn more!

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Monday, January 5, 2015

Why it is Important to Log Your Food

If you want to lose weight, then you need to consider the calories that are consumed compared with the calories that you are burning each day. If you are eating ansurplus of calories on a daily basis, then you will start gaining weight. But, the problem is that many people have a hard time keeping track of their calorie consumption, and they may be accidentally eating too many calories.

Problem Solved: Food Logging
There is an easy answer to overcome the problem of over-eating: .
Many people find that food logging is an effective way to decrease their calorie consumption, because they are more conscious about their food decisions.

Weight Loss Success
When you combine the use of a food app with a medical weight loss program, then you are on the right track to achieve weight loss success. Contact us to learn more!

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